Thursday, 8 November 2018

How Safe is Food Containing Titanium Oxide?

We need more Information to Establish Safety Profile for Titanium Oxide
Titanium Oxide is being increasingly used in food processing industry, but its safety profile is not fully proven yet. Just because we still do not have enough evidence to show that it may be harmful is not a reason to be complacent about it. With industrial and commercial interests often predominating the deliberations over safety profile of food products, it is important to raise awareness.
How safe is food containing Titanium Oxide
Anatase: A Mineral Form of Titanium Oxide

Many of us have already been using it, perhaps without knowing what it is. Like all food additives, often consumers know little about such additives or their potential adverse effects, including the possibility of their carcinogenic potential.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

What is Ragweed Allergy and What are its Symptoms?

Facts about Ragweed Allergy
Ragweed Allergy is one of the most common mass weed allergies in the world and particularly common in the United States, where it affects 30 to 40 million people. For these people affected by Ragweed allergy, the period from late spring up to the end of summer is often a difficult period as during this period they often begin to have a variable degree of symptoms of Ragweed Allergy, often labelled Hay Fever, which can adversely affect the quality of life and even lead to absence from work, apart from requiring medical attention and treatment.
Ambrosia Psilostachya: A Common Ragweed
Ambrosia Psilostachya: A Common Ragweed

What is Ragweed Allergy? 

Ragweed is allergy or hypersensitivity that certain individuals have towards a group of plants belonging to the Ambrosia species, which are commonly known as ragweed, bitterweed or bloodweed

These plants are one of the most common and widespread weeds, particularly in the United States. There are at least 41 species of Ragweed within the Ambrosia family, which are spread all over the world. By nature, these are very sturdy plants with enormous tendency to survive, which makes their control extremely difficult and challenging. Even if the whole plant is cut an inch above the ground, it will usually grow back very quickly. They also have a tendency to grow widely in open uncultivated areas, roadsides and fields, and equally affect rural as well as urban areas.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

What are the Signs of Asthma in Children?

Children can also be Affected by Asthma, and its Diagnosis can be More Challenging
Chronic diseases like asthma and diabetes are often associated with adults, even though they can also affect children and adolescents. Recognizing asthma in children can be more difficult compared to its diagnosis in adults. There are two reasons for this. One, the symptoms of asthma are also shared by several other respiratory diseases. Second, children may not be able to express their experiences in a manner that would allow an easy diagnosis. In such a scenario, greater awareness on part of parents, guardians and caretakers can help in an early diagnosis and bring relief to the child.

Asthma can affect children too

Chronic diseases of the airways are often associated with older adults, whereas the acute respiratory infections like pneumonia are more often associated with children. Though it is true that the chronic diseases are more prevalent in older age and the incidence of acute attacks more common in children, it is also true that chronic diseases like asthma can affect children and acute diseases like pneumonia can affect adults at all ages. This aware is instrumental in ensuring their timely diagnosis and management.

How common is Asthma in Children?

Asthma affects a large number of children in the world. In United States alone, it is estimated to affect around 7 to 9 million children and is one of the three leading causes of school absenteeism. It is more common in households belonging to the lowest socioeconomic strata, probably because of poor hygiene and frequent infections. The most dangerous aspect of childhood asthma is the fact that its incidence is rising unlike most other diseases of childhood that are experiencing a falling incidence.

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Kidney Stone Symptoms

Clinical Symptoms that Suggest Kidney Stones

Kidneys deal with maintaining the healthy levels of electrolytes in blood, as also the excretion of substances that are no more required in the body. This process also makes them vulnerable to formation of stones, a common medical problem. While prevention of stone formation itself is the best scenario, when such stones do get formed, they need medical interventions. When diagnosed early, kidney stones can be treated without significant residual damage. That is why it is important to know about their symptoms, and immediate medical advice must be sought at once in all cases where it is suspected.
Symptoms of Attached & Passing Kidney Stone

How Common are Kidney Stones?
Kidney Stones are of the most common ailment that affects mankind, affecting as much as up to 10% of the people at some point in their life time. It is at least twice more common in males and usually happen between the age of 20 years and 50 years. Most kidney stones can exist silently without any symptom for pretty long periods, but when they do lead to symptoms, it can be one of the worst experiences of one's life.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

The Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue can result from Several Different Aetiologies

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be caused by different reasons
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be caused by Several Different Factors

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is not a single condition. What leads to this condition is still being researched, but there are many factors already known as leading to it, varying from infections, autonomic disturbances, hormonal problems and neuro-psychological conditions. Appreciating the somewhat ill understood nature of this condition is important in coping with it effectively. 
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition whose causes are still not fully understood. It can result from various causes that may have no similarity with each other, yet the symptoms that are observed may be similar.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome : An Overview

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition of debilitating fatigue that produces severe distress apart from interfering with working as well as daily activities. It is not a single disease, but a condition of fatigue and generalised debility that is diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome depending upon the satisfaction of certain criteria.

By definition, it should have persisted or recurred a few times over a period of six months, it should not be a result of a specific medical cause, and is associated with a number of symptoms like headaches, sore throat, muscle ache, joint pains, sleep disturbances, tenderness in lymph nodes and mood and sleep disturbances.

Saturday, 20 October 2018

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics Support Health by Synergistic Behavior and Resist Infections by Harmful Microorganisms

PROBIOTICS are live micro-organisms that are ingested like food and get deposited somewhere in the colon, where they make colonies and continue to stay. They are supposed to benefit our health in one way or another, and hence used as a form of medicine.

How Probiotics Help in Our Health
The Role of Probiotics in Health

Probiotics : The Friendly Bacteria

Probiotics are often referred to as 'friendly bacteria' or 'good bacteria', but all probiotics are not bacteria. Some of them are yeast, just like the ones used for fermentation. Others could be viruses or even fungi. The World Health Organisation defines probiotics as "live microorganisms, which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host." These friendly micro-organisms can help the body in more than one way. 

Thursday, 11 October 2018

What is Asthma and How is it Caused?

The Pathophysiology of Asthma

Asthma is one of most common chronic diseases afflicting mankind. It is difficult to cure and usually needs to be managed on a regular basis, with lifestyle changes, regular medication to control it and further treatment to take care of its exacerbations when they happen. Understanding the nature of the disease and how is develops can help in better understanding of the disease, and also help in preventing exacerbations.

How Asthma is Caused
Causes of Asthma

What is Asthma?

Asthma is one of the most persistent respiratory diseases, characterised by frequent episodes of cough and breathlessness that may range from mild and tolerable to life threatening in severity. It cannot usually be cured, yet it is possible to live a healthy life by effectively managing it with the help of expert advice, medicines and knowledge.

Knowing about asthma and its pathophysiology, i.e. how it happens can help patients and their attendants prevent frequent flaring up of asthma.

What is Shingles and can it Spread to cause Chicken Pox in others?

Chicken Pox & Herpes Zoster are two diseases caused by the same Virus

Varicella Zoster is a very common virus that affects human beings in two different forms at two different periods of their life. The far more common manifestation of this viral infection is Chicken Pox , usually in childhood. The virus, however, can survive in the body and later cause another disease, Herpes Zoster or Shingles. This is a unique infectious disease since it arises from an infection several years ago. However, it also gives rise to doubts and confusion about the contagious nature of infection, and the period when the virus is most likely to spread from a patient.

Band like skin rash in a case of Shingles or Herpes Zoster
The band like spread of skin rash associated with pain and abnormal sensations is characteristic of Herpes Zoster or Shingles
What is Shingles?

Herpes Zoster or Shingles is a very painful condition caused by the Varicella-Zoster virus, which manifests with skin rashes, usually limited to a particular area of the body. It is commonly seen in later part of life or during old age, usually in periods of stress that disturbs the immunity of the body to hold the virus in check.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

How to Prevent Diabetic Ketoacidosis ?

Preventing Complications is Essential in Managing Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetic Ketoacidosis is one the more dangerous complications of uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus, commonly seen in Type I Diabetes, which requires insulin treatment. It results from the combination of glucose getting lost in urine and body cells resorting to fat metabolism to get energy, producing ketones and acidosis, which can be fatal if left untreated. In preventing Diabetic Acidosis, awareness is the key and medical attention must be sought as early as possible.
Pathophysiology, Diagnosis & Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Pathophysiology, Diagnosis & Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
What is Diabetic Ketoacidosis and what Leads to it ?

Diabetes Mellitus is a disease of glucose metabolism which affects a fairly large number of people in the world today. In this condition there is either a deficiency of insulin in the body, requiring Insulin injections (hence also known as Insulin dependent or Type I Diabetes Mellitus), or the body does not respond properly to insulin, a condition known as Insulin Resistance, requiring various measures to reduce the need for Insulin (hence also known as Non-Insulin dependent or Type II Diabetes Mellitus). Both the conditions are marked by a high glucose level in blood which may be associated with the presence of glucose in urine. It common symptoms are Polyuria (high frequency of urination), Polydipsia (high intake of water) and often weight loss (especially in Type I Diabetes) in spite of reasonable appetite.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Bacterial Meningitis: Symptoms and Treatment

Bacterial Meningitis can be fatal if not treated timely

Bacterial Meningitis is one of the most dreaded and fatal diseases ever known to mankind, though the medical advances have now made it possible to treat it. It is a disease that worsens very fast, and provides symptoms, which can sometimes confuse it with psychiatric behavior. A greater awareness about it holds the key to quick uncomplicated remission.  

Bacterial Meningitis: A Dreaded Disease

'Bacterial Meningitis' or 'Bacterial spinal meningitis' is the infection of meninges, the membranous coverings which protect the brain and the spinal cord. It is a life threatening condition if not treated immediately, but with appropriate anti-biotics in a hospital setting, it can usually be treated with minimal long lasting damage.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Foods Arthritis Sufferers Should Avoid

Awareness about the Impact of Different Foods can Help in Containing Arthritis

Arthritis is not a single disease. It can arise from various different causes. Thus, it is often difficult to establish a role of food in its etiopathology, or to suggest the foods that a person suffering from arthritis needs to avoid. This is a task that requires one to have a broader perspective of how foods affect the condition. Awareness is always helpful.

Certain foods should preferably be avoided in Arthritis due to their potential to Worsen Pain

Foods and Arthritis

Foods that a person suffering from arthritis should avoid depend upon the cause of Arthritis.

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Exercising Tips for People with Diabetes

Should Diabetics go for Normal Exercise?
Exercise has an important place in the management of Diabetes. However, unregulated exercise can also precipitate problems for diabetic patients, especially by leading to hypoglycaemia, or lack of sugar. Exercise also interacts with the anti-glycaemia medication and their effect, and hence needs to be undertaken with due caution.

Do you know this - A diabetic person on insulin who has missed his meals, and indulges in prolonged unaccustomed exercise has a greater chance of dying than if he had never taken insulin ! Diabetics on regular treatment of diabetes, by way of insulin or by oral anti-hypoglycaemic agents (OHA), need to know more about how and when to exercise than those not on such medication.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

When do we Need Antibiotics?

Appropriate Use of Antibiotics Keeps us Free from Infections

The discovery of antibiotics has been one of the most important reasons of fall in mortality rates. It was the effect of antibiotics and vaccines that actually raised the life expectancy, allowed people to have smaller families and in more ways than one, changed the way we live. It is time we know some basics of antibiotics, so that we are aware of their potential as well as limitations, and avoid blind self medication.

Role of Antibiotics

Antibiotics, along with vaccines, are the primary reason for the fall in death rate during the last century. Thanks to the efficacy of modern antibiotics, bacterial infections and epidemics, which had always been the greatest scourge of human civilization, have today been reduced to a far less common cause of human mortality and morbidity.

Monday, 17 September 2018

How to Determine if Someone has Diabetes Mellitus

Laboratory Tests for diagnosing Diabetes Mellitus are Inexpensive & Easily Available

Diabetes Mellitus can exist in individuals with very few signs and symptoms. It is a chronic disease that may not manifest in a manner that will make life itself very difficult, until some the complications set in. However, these complications are very difficult to manage and virtually impossible to reverse. Thus, it is essential that diagnosis be achieved in time. Given the high frequency of Diabetes in modern societies, regular monitoring of blood sugar from time to time is advisable for everyone.

Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease where the primary abnormality lies in the inability of the body to metabolise glucose in a manner that would not be detrimental to health. Rising sugar levels lead to passage of glucose in urine, while prolonged levels of high glucose can leave certain chemical markers that can possibly be detected by laboratory tests. These also mark the basic diagnostic tools for diagnosis and confirmation of Diabetes Mellitus in an individual.

Friday, 14 September 2018

What is Diabetes Mellitus & its Signs and Symptoms?

Diabetes Mellitus is one of the Most Common & Most Dreaded Metabolic Diseases

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that affects a large number of people around the world.  Estimates suggest that more than 220 million people in the world are affected from it, and around 3.4 million people may be losing their life every year because of it. Ironically, a lot of people affected by it do not even know that they are suffering from such a condition, making Diabetes Mellitus the most dangerous silent killer of our times. Worst of all, the World Health Organisation projects that the number of people dying from Diabetes will double between 2005 and 2030, making it imperative that every person on this planet becomes aware about this condition.

What is Diabetes Mellitus?

Diabetes Mellitus is a disease of glucose metabolism, resulting from inadequate or defective insulin, or defective response to it by the body. To understand Diabetes Mellitus, one needs to be aware of the normal glucose cycle in the body.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Cough in Children

Understanding the Differences between Benign Cough and One that needs Attention

Cough in children is not only a serious health hazard for the children affected, it often generates a lot of anxiety among the parents too. Most of it consists of benign episodes, which would go away on their own, but it is difficult to take that chance. Better awareness can help in understanding how to deal with it.

A coughing child is bound to make the parents anxious, and yet, it is not practically feasible to run to the paediatrician every time the child coughs. The inability to differentiate between a benign occasional bout of cough that is nothing more than an indication of ‘yet to mature’ reflexes of your darling child and the dangerous cough that signals a sickness, often causes as much anxiety as any disease itself; so it is always worthwhile to know a few things about a coughing child.