Sunday, 23 September 2018

Exercising Tips for People with Diabetes

Should Diabetics go for Normal Exercise?
Exercise has an important place in the management of Diabetes. However, unregulated exercise can also precipitate problems for diabetic patients, especially by leading to hypoglycaemia, or lack of sugar. Exercise also interacts with the anti-glycaemia medication and their effect, and hence needs to be undertaken with due caution.

Do you know this - A diabetic person on insulin who has missed his meals, and indulges in prolonged unaccustomed exercise has a greater chance of dying than if he had never taken insulin ! Diabetics on regular treatment of diabetes, by way of insulin or by oral anti-hypoglycaemic agents (OHA), need to know more about how and when to exercise than those not on such medication.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

When do we Need Antibiotics?

Appropriate Use of Antibiotics Keeps us Free from Infections

The discovery of antibiotics has been one of the most important reasons of fall in mortality rates. It was the effect of antibiotics and vaccines that actually raised the life expectancy, allowed people to have smaller families and in more ways than one, changed the way we live. It is time we know some basics of antibiotics, so that we are aware of their potential as well as limitations, and avoid blind self medication.

Role of Antibiotics

Antibiotics, along with vaccines, are the primary reason for the fall in death rate during the last century. Thanks to the efficacy of modern antibiotics, bacterial infections and epidemics, which had always been the greatest scourge of human civilization, have today been reduced to a far less common cause of human mortality and morbidity.

Monday, 17 September 2018

How to Determine if Someone has Diabetes Mellitus

Laboratory Tests for diagnosing Diabetes Mellitus are Inexpensive & Easily Available

Diabetes Mellitus can exist in individuals with very few signs and symptoms. It is a chronic disease that may not manifest in a manner that will make life itself very difficult, until some the complications set in. However, these complications are very difficult to manage and virtually impossible to reverse. Thus, it is essential that diagnosis be achieved in time. Given the high frequency of Diabetes in modern societies, regular monitoring of blood sugar from time to time is advisable for everyone.

Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease where the primary abnormality lies in the inability of the body to metabolise glucose in a manner that would not be detrimental to health. Rising sugar levels lead to passage of glucose in urine, while prolonged levels of high glucose can leave certain chemical markers that can possibly be detected by laboratory tests. These also mark the basic diagnostic tools for diagnosis and confirmation of Diabetes Mellitus in an individual.

Friday, 14 September 2018

What is Diabetes Mellitus & its Signs and Symptoms?

Diabetes Mellitus is one of the Most Common & Most Dreaded Metabolic Diseases

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that affects a large number of people around the world.  Estimates suggest that more than 220 million people in the world are affected from it, and around 3.4 million people may be losing their life every year because of it. Ironically, a lot of people affected by it do not even know that they are suffering from such a condition, making Diabetes Mellitus the most dangerous silent killer of our times. Worst of all, the World Health Organisation projects that the number of people dying from Diabetes will double between 2005 and 2030, making it imperative that every person on this planet becomes aware about this condition.

What is Diabetes Mellitus?

Diabetes Mellitus is a disease of glucose metabolism, resulting from inadequate or defective insulin, or defective response to it by the body. To understand Diabetes Mellitus, one needs to be aware of the normal glucose cycle in the body.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Cough in Children

Understanding the Differences between Benign Cough and One that needs Attention

Cough in children is not only a serious health hazard for the children affected, it often generates a lot of anxiety among the parents too. Most of it consists of benign episodes, which would go away on their own, but it is difficult to take that chance. Better awareness can help in understanding how to deal with it.

A coughing child is bound to make the parents anxious, and yet, it is not practically feasible to run to the paediatrician every time the child coughs. The inability to differentiate between a benign occasional bout of cough that is nothing more than an indication of ‘yet to mature’ reflexes of your darling child and the dangerous cough that signals a sickness, often causes as much anxiety as any disease itself; so it is always worthwhile to know a few things about a coughing child.